Test Strips
Water Hardness Test Strips, 0-120ppm
| 50/BORPC’s water hardness test strips are for the semi-quantitative analysis of water hardness. These strips come in two versions, the standard K100-0102 model for analysis of low water hardness after the softening of the water to feed the reverse osmosis system, and the high range model K100-0102HR for use prior to the softener to gauge the amount of softening required by the system. Water hardness means the content of calcium and magnesium ions in the water which is expressed in grains per gallon (gpg) or ppm (mg/l) calcium carbonate (CaCO3). The measuring range for the standard hardness strip, K100-0102 is 0.3 to 7 grains per gallon (5-120 ppm). The range for the high range strip is 1.5 to 25 grains per gallon (25 - 425 ppm).
Product Features
- Allows easy detection of hardness at 1 grain per gallon or less
- Wider test range with color blocks of 0,0.3,0.6,1,3 and 7 gpg
- Fast 5 second "dip" and wait time of 15 seconds to obtain results
- Verify compliance with AAMI/CMS requirements and RD52
- Accurate test allows for estimation of levels between color pads
- Easy to use containers designed for use with RPC's CapKeeper®
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