Test Strips

Test Strips

Test Strips

RPC’s entire focus is on dialysis technical products and dialysis educational support for you. We have dialysis experts who provide educational and technical support for the application of test strips. Micro-X® peroxide residual and peracetic acid potency test strips are FDA cleared for use with multiple peracetic acid germicides. Micro-X® peroxide residual and peracetic acid potency test strips are optimized for maximum performance, stability, and storage life. RPC is the only vendor with a complete line of FDA-cleared test strips for use in dialysis applications.

Certi-Chek™ Field Verification Program...only from RPC! RPC performs test strip field QC tests, maintains all test records, and includes certificates of conformance with each shipment.

Certi-Chek™ Test Strip QC Documents

RPC Test Strip Overview and Compliance

RPC Full Line Test Strip Overview

Q: What is the expiration date for opened RPC test strip containers?
A: Unless otherwise indicated in the Instructions for Use (IFUs) that accompany a specific test strip, all RPC test strips may be used up to the expiration date indicated on the container or foil wrapper as long as all Instructions for Use are followed and storage requirements are met. The expiration date refers to the last day of the month printed on the container or foil wrapper. 

Q: Do I need to perform a quality control on RPC Test strips before or after use in the field?
A: RPC test strips are supplied in ready-to-use form. Certi-Chek™ testing replaces the required test strip field validation called for in most test strip instructions for use. It is an addition to the immediate post-production QC testing that is required to confirm proper manufacturing of the test strips. Certificate of Conformance with test results are enclosed with every shipment of test strips received and can also be downloaded at your convenience.

Product Features

    Stable, long life (typical shelf life is 3 years).
•    Accurate and reproducible readings.
•    Order exact quantity needed. Eliminate overstock,
   No test strip QC required. RPC performs strip QC tests for you on test strips that ship from RPC

Product Listing